My Post (6)

Dear friends,
It gives us immense pleasure to share with all the Special Divine messages from our Dear Mother ji.
Dear Mother ji has graciously consented to post these Divine messages on our website so that the Divine vibrations reach the people at large.
We are so blessed to have this Divine Grace upon us…. Everyday, through Her loving Special good morning and Divine messages, Dear Mother ji is sending us the energy for us to align with higher vibrations, expand our inner being and raise our consciousness.
Through every Divine message, we the members of the Life Divine Centre, get inspiration, direction, motivation, inner confidence and belief to do the right work, towards the right direction, within and in the outside world.
These simple yet deep inspirational messages give us the opportunity to see, feel, think, understand, the knowledge we have and show us how to implement it in our daily life.
Each read of the messages gives us further light, a new perspective and new learning to progress on the path.
Especially during this crucial period, we are safe in Divine protection and Divine is taking care of us in infinite ways….and this is possible only because Dear Motherji, loves us so much and is taking care of us every moment.
The Newness in Every message gives us a  New vision, a New way to enrich every moment of our lives and is preparing us and making us ready for the New World, of Truth, love, gratitude, harmony, peace, compassion….
Dear Mother ji is continuously giving us the strength and the inner confidence  to face every situation  in our life with a smile and make the best of it…to enjoy this beautiful life.
Our heartfelt love and gratitude to Dear Mother ji for Her Love and care.
Dear friends, looking forward to sharing and growing through the Divine messages to become a New Self, a New world, a New universe……

Our Mission

Our endeavour is to do everything to accelerate this transformation at a rate which the world has never experienced in the past.

Our Vision

Our ideal is the Conquest of life by the power of the spirit,  not the spirituality that withdraws from life, but experiencing the life which is ever happy, joyful and blissful.

About us

About Our Community

Our Life Divine Center is a Spiritual Center Lead by the Truth Seekers & Reiki Grand Masters, Ms Shaila Khanore and Mr. Subhash Chandra Haldar [Ex Chief Engineer and Technical Advisor to CMD, Nuclear Power Corp. of India Ltd].

Our ideal is the Conquest of life by the power of the spirit, not the spirituality that withdraws from life, but experiencing the life which is ever happy, joyful and blissful and ___ a life of Yoga (not Asanas or Pranayamas, but a conscious relationship with higher self or, union with the spirit.